In today's world, a web site is one of the most important advertising, marketing and support assets your business can own - make it work for you!
It's no longer sufficient just to have a few flashy pictures on your web site and a listing of your contact information. Today's digitally-connected world requires your web site to be easily found, create interest, provide vital information, and effectively compete with the ever-improving web sites published by your competitors.
At Logical Operators, we concentrate on building web sites that provide the information and experience your customers/clients need and expect. In addition to designing attractive and functional web sites, we provide advanced features such as personalized content, dynamic graphics, database integration, multimedia integration, search engine optimization (SEO), social networking integration, and interactive features that help build your brand and build your business.
Put simply, we make your web site more than just an electronic brochure - we make it an experience!
If you're considering establishing an Internet presence or updating your outdated web site, then our web site development services make it easy! Attract new business, improve communications, and build customer loyalty by contacting Logical Operators to design your new web site today!
Some features of our custom-developed web sites:
- We specialize in developing DNN / DotNetNuke / Evoq content management system (CMS) web sites driven by the latest Microsoft ASP.NET technology
- Consistently present your content across a range of viewing devices and screen sizes (traditional computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.) using responsive web site design and modern web technologies such as advanced HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap and jQuery
- Securely update your site's content from any location using a standard web browser
- Assign different employees/groups to maintain different types of content on your site without compromising security or revealing sensitive information
- Allow multiple content editors to work simultaneously (including from different locations) so your web site always reflects the latest, most accurate information
- Integrate your company's databases to allow for online searches, personalized content, etc.
- Allow users to create accounts on your site, then enable additional features/content designed specifically for them whenever they login
- Provide blogs, news articles and announcements that can be referenced from additional sites to improve your marketing and visibility
- Display powerful multimedia that showcases your business, products, or services in an interesting and informative way
- Offer integrated discussion forums, wikis, and social networking options to keep your site visitors informed and engaged with your business
- Implement online sales to attract/retain new customers and reduce your sales and marketing overhead
- and much, much more... contact us for details!